The study of hair and the role it plays in people's lives goes back thousands of years. All the way from the time it covered our bodies for warmth and protection, through the evolution of big hair, often coloured blue to make us appear scarier to our enemies, to the era when virtually everybody important wore wigs to distinguish them for ordinary people, right through to the 60's, when people like Vidal Sassoon and Mary Quant burst onto the scene launching hair into the role of fashion. And we've never looked back.
Hair is your clients’ crowning glory & they know it well
Little did we know that when Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians, wherein he said, “If a woman has long hair, it is a crowning glory unto her”, that it would one day become a multi-billion dollar industry.
What was once the job of surgeons, whose job it was to look after people's bodies, soon became a dedicated industry, similar to skin care, resulting in people that specialised in just looking after hair.
Over the millennia people have experimented with colour, shape, height, curls - you name it, we've tried it. However, it has only been in the last 70 or so years as products started to address the chemical make-up of hair that they started moving away from topical products that just affected the out layers of the hair to satisfy the feel of the hair, and started addressing hair chemistry and the effect on the actual hair structure that hair went through. It was only through this process that they realised the amount of stress and trauma hair goes through every day resulting in chemical, mechanical and environmental damage.
You are your clients’ hair doctor for the best hair health & your clients’ overall wellbeing
Why did it take us so long? Maybe because there are no nerve endings in the hair, as there are in every other part of our body, that can scream with pain when damaged.
Wake-up call to the industry! You need to 'feel' the pain of damaged hair and become its conscience AND explain what hair trauma is, why hair becomes traumatised and how clients, with your professional advice, can remedy the problem and take more responsibility for the health of their hair.
Your clients know all too well when their hair just isn’t looking right or behaving.
Like you, clients also understand that hair is not just a dead substance growing out of the head, but a living and growing part of their body that will either become their 'crowning glory' or their worst nightmare.
Step up and BE THE DOCTOR.
– Terry Miles, MD MySalon Software

Email: info@mysalonsoftware.co.za