Reminder: EOHCB Membership Fees 2022
The EOHCB Membership Fees will increase with effect from 1 January 2022. The Fees for 2022 were circulated with the previous Chronicle and may be accessed via the Council’s website. For those of you receiving your Returns and the Chronicle via email, you can click on this link http://hcsbc.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Annexure-C-Jan-2022.pdf
Exemptions – How to Apply
The exemptions administration section has observed certain trends, including non-adherence to some of the requirements, in the applications being submitted for exemption from membership of the HBSI Pension Fund. In particular, we draw your attention to the following aspects:
When applying for exemption for multiple employees, only one application form needs to be completed.
For Pension Fund exemption applications, Pages 12 to 14 of the Exemption Application Form (BROKER/INTERMEDIARY FORM ) must be completed – No other documents will be accepted as sufficient. If not properly completed, this will result in a less favourable outcome.
The alternative Fund’s current, official membership list/schedule in respect of the employees of the establishment making the application, must be included.
An individual letter from each employee – as per the example given at the bottom of page 15 of the Exemption Application Form, must be provided.
Exemptions are valid for only one calendar year. Each year, an application for exemption must be submitted for all employees.
If an exemption is granted for a given year and a new employee joins thereafter, during that year, the original exemption application, together with the employee’s letter and an updated membership schedule showing that the new employee is on the alternative Fund, should be submitted.
Exemptions will only be granted in cases where the alternative pension funds are equal or better than the HBSI Fund.
The Applicant must be compliant, this includes ensuring that the Applicant’s account is up to date and that all employees are registered with the Council.
Exemptions for the 2022 calendar year will be heard until the 28 February 2022, and if no 2022 application is received within the period up to that date, pension invoices will be raised as from March 2022. It is therefore important to apply as soon as possible.
Council Offices: Contact Numbers
The Council has offices in Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, and Durban.
Tel: 0861 427 227
011 672 0424
Fax: 086 585 0314
Tel: 012 682 0175
Tel: 087 094 1816
Fax: 086 585 0314
Tel: 021 879 3508
Tel: 021 419 8321
Fax: 086 585 0314
Tel: 031 201 1193/5
Tel: 031 201 1231
Fax: 086 585 0314
Please consult the Council’s WEBSITE for the contact details of Agents in your area.
For more information, contact: www.hcsbc.co.za