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Hair and Beauty Stats for December 2020 Analysed by ESP

How did hair and beauty perform in December 2020 lockdown compared to December 2019? And was there an improvement from November 2020? Here are the stats and analysis from ESP Salon Software and Business Intelligence.

ESP Business Intelligence Wellness Industry Statistics

Analysis below by Karl Markwald of ESP

In December 2020 the hair industry has increased revenue by 3% when compared to November 2020 while the Beauty industry has seen a 8% decline for the same period.

After seeing massive gains last month the beauty industry has back-tracked somewhat and is now posting results that are more in line with what we are seeing in the hair industry.

As a whole revenue is down by 17% when comparing December 2020 to December 2019. In November this was sitting at 18% so the improvement is incremental. What I would like to highlight here is that the number of clients visiting has been 25% less, which is the average for the last 3 months, but this has only resulted in a 17% less revenue.

As this picture has evolved from July 2020 to now the month on month and year on year the improvements are becoming smaller and more hard fought. If you haven’t taken action in your business to increase the per visit spend of the clients who are visiting then you are behind the curve.

These stats are drawn from the ESP client base that make use of our Business Intelligence service. These businesses owners are actively involved in their businesses and use the BI to track and understand the trends which allow them to formulate and implement strategies that will make a meaningful difference to the bottom line.

To find out how to implement strategies to improve your revenue and monitor the results contact the ESP Connect team

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