Are you keen to stock up as conveniently and quickly as possible, getting everything your salon requires in one convenient parcel?
Now you can custom-order your tint and backbar supplies in one convenient step using Salon Products professional-only Bulkshop.
Buy exactly what you need, from whichever product houses you choose, according to your clients' needs. It will be speedily couriered to you in one convenient parcel, allowing you to service clients in the most cost-effective, stock-effective and space-effective way!
Salon Products is the most convenient portal for your clients to order their professional retail online. This is done through your own unique salon code, and you receive the commission! This allows you to sell conveniently to clients - even those who are still limiting their salon visits due to being at greater risk! You can even widen your sales network so that new clients order through your code.
For just R99 per month you benefit from all the above, as well as our specialised marketing advice on how to sell effectively to your clients. You can cancel your subscription at any time.
Want to make a start? Register now and you can begin!
Keen to learn more about the benefits? Watch our video below.
If you have any questions please call, message or email and our friendly team is standing by to assist!
Click HERE to Sign Up with Salon Products and let us start this amazing journey.
To ask any questions, please contact us on 082 302 6009.
Visit our website HERE - remember that our web address is www.salonproduct.co.za (not products)