Once the lock-down is lifted it is likely that different types of businesses will re-open in phased stages. Regardless, it will take some businesses a lot longer to re-establish themselves and sadly, there will be some that will not be able to re-open. I am convinced that hair and beauty salons, nail bars and gyms will be among the first to recover because of the role they play in the well-being of their clients (looking good and feeling great). Do not underestimate the value of the services we provide and how much people need to get back to normal.
One of the most important things is to have a 'survival' state of mind. More than being a part of Darwin's theory of evolution 'survival of the fittest' is a law unto itself. Perhaps an example of this is the coronavirus itself which seems to prey on people with underlying health problems. It has always been difficult to convince younger people to follow a healthy diet and to not drink, smoke and party to excess because it takes its toll on you later in life.
We also need to learn to work smarter. In my previous blog I suggested staying in touch with your top clients to ensure they have appointments in place for the moment the lock-down is lifted. From the number of sms's we have supplied this month I believe many of our clients are doing just that.
We are also going to need to polish up our negotiation skills. With no cash coming in for the duration of the lock-down we will need to negotiate with our landlords and products suppliers and even with SARS. They are all stakeholders in your business and it is their own interest to keep you in business.
Businesses are going to be judged on how they manage their accounts during this time. Cyril Ramaphosa stated, when he addressed the nation over the extension of the lock-down, that it is crucial for the re-opening of our economy that people continue to pay their accounts. Those people who see this opportunity to not pay their accounts will lose in the end. Integrity, trust and reliability make the best business partners.
There has never been a more sobering moment for money management. Far too many people have 'a taste for champagne but only a budget for beer'. Now is the time to be totally honest with yourselves: Do I need it? Can I afford it? How am I going to pay for it? If you're not sure of the answer, don't buy it.
The salon industry is in a unique position for a quick recovery. Every client you do generates cash flow, it's how you manage that cash flow that determines if you are going to be a long-term survivor.
Use the sms function to remain in contact with top clients. I guarantee you they are missing you as much as you are missing them. Using the sms function is so easy and...clients are able to sms back into your sms in-box.
Even though salons will not be trading the My Salon team remain available for TeamViewer training or to assist and advise on issues regarding the use of our software.
Your salon may be closed but your business is not.
Aletta - 0645046001
Terry - 0836500952
Bryan - 0614706359
We see a light at the end of the tunnel and share that light with you. Stay positive and stay safe.