My goal was to bring back cutting shapes, cutting form. Back to our ROOTS with this collection through AFRO HAIR, not being afraid to express yourself. Graphic and bold but, ultimately a stylish TREND. Structurally on point graphically.

Architectural Elements @fellowshiphair @fellowshipfameteam Creative Direction and Concept Errol Douglas MBE @erroldouglashair @erroldouglasldn
Photography @chrisbulezuikphotography Make- up @elizabethritamua Clothes stylist @annalathamstyling Video Photographer @philbarothomas Products @avlonuk @jacqui.mcintosh Hair THE MAGNIFICENT F.A.M.E TEAM 2022 @askaboutjessica – Jessica Hau, Rush Wimbledon Village @lydwolfehair – Lydia Wolfe, Jack and the Wolfe @alexcook.wispershair Alex Cook, Wispers Hair & Nails @darrelstarkey90 Darrel Starkey Taylors Hair Studio