There are many 'Laws' that govern the success of businesses. When it comes building a clientele this one works for me...
"Clients go where they're invited, stay where they're valued, and grow where they're pampered"
When you pre-book a client's next appointment that acts as an automatic 'invitation' back into the salon. When you promote products and services either in the salon or via an sms promotion you are inviting clients to your business. The same by sms'ing clients who haven't been in for a few months.
Clients don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. There is no better tool for this than consultation. If you consult effectively every time a client is in your chair you effectively treating them like a first-time-client.
Finally – pampering. I think this is best demonstrated in the 4 customer service goals for each client visit.
Strive to exceed the expectations of your client by adding the value of education to the price they are paying.
Look for and expect to find another service or product to introduce them to. It is easier to upsell to an existing client than to get a new client in the salon.
Pre-book the next appointment before the client leaves the salon to ensure every client always has well maintained hair.
Motivate your top clients to refer their friends and colleagues. Make them your ambassadors. A satisfied client is the best advert you could have. Getting them to refer your work should not be a problem for these clients, maybe you just need to ask them... By the way your loyalty programme is a great way of rewarding clients who do refer new clients.
I've often thought that these 4 goals should be tattooed inside stylists' eyelids and then, get them to 'hug their clients with their eyes' - basically closing their eyes and doing a little shiver of the head', while at the same time, reading the 4 goals tattooed on the inside of their eyelids...if only!
- Terry Miles, MD of My Salon Software

Email: info@mysalonsoftware.co.za