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EOHCB Gives Government Till Close of Business Monday to Respond with Opening Protocols

Industry Update From EOHCB on 6 June

The EOHCB was looking forward to the relevant department publishing the Industry health protocols on the afternoon of 5th June 2020, which would have led to personal care services being reintroduced under alert level 3.

To the EOHCB's utter dismay, the department's self-invoked deadline was not kept.

The EOHCB has, as a result, instructed its lawyers to immediately dispatch a letter to the Director-General of the department, calling for a response by close of business on Monday, to enable the EOHCB to consider its position going forward.

Hairnews will update as soon as Government has responded. Please follow the EOHCB National FACEBOOK page for the latest official statements.

Thank you to EOHCB for your ongoing swift action and making it clear to Government that any delay is unacceptable!

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