Sonto Khoba - A Blessing to this Industry and the World around her
In September 2019, we said our final farewell to an amazing leader.

While owning and running her salon for over 40 years, Sonto empowered every person she met and filled our interactions and deliberations with passion and care. Sonto was the National President of AHBEASA, the vice-president of FABCOS and was a Service Seta board member, amongst her service to the industry. Sonto also served on the Divisional Executive Committee for the Southern Gauteng region of the Employer’s Organisation for Hairdressing, Beauty and Cosmetology and grew to become our first National Vice-President for the Beauty Sector.
‘Sonto stood for women’s empowerment, industry education, and believed in business compliance and the unification of all salon owners.’ – Victor Msomi, EOHCB Southern Gauteng Divisional Executive Committee member and EOHCB National Vice-President.
‘Sonto was a true leader when the country was going through major transformation. The industry and upliftment of Afro hairdressing was both her challenge and her dream. Rest In peace, special lady.” – Paul Fox, past EOHCB National President and Treasurer of EOHCB Southern Gauteng Divisional Executive Committee.
Victor went on further to say, ‘She will be sorely missed by the industry and her input towards building on society for the hairdressing and beauty industry.’ On behalf of EOHCB, its members and any employer who benefitted from her input in all industry matters, we thank you Sonto, for your guidance and your never-ending smile.
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