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Habits of Highly Successful Salon Owners - Part 3

In the final instalment of our 3-part series we are discussing the last two habits of highly successful salon owners. Habit 5: Inspire your Employees. It takes time and energy to get your team fully motivated and raring to go... are your stylists just going through the motions or are they truly passionate about what they’re doing? Sometimes all it takes is leading by example, and investing time and energy into ensuring each team member is happy, motivated and “on track” to succeed. This is why, to be successful, a hair salon owner must work IN their business and not just be an absentee owner. If you have other demands on your time, you will need to have a very passionate manager in place who can lead by example and provide this inspiration even though you are not always there.

Habit 6: Work for Tomorrow. Yes, profits are good – but in order to grow to greater success, a portion of them must be reinvested in your business. From staff training to decor upgrades, to new innovations – you need to think constantly about your business future, and how you can improve it. It’s also important to put money away in a safe place for a “rainy day” – if your geyser bursts, the roof leaks, you have a burglary... having a cushion of funds in place can help you deal quickly and smoothly with unexpected disasters.

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